bugged quests and more 21.12.18

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bugged quests and more 21.12.18

Post by tarashon » Fri Dec 21, 2018 9:30 am

Howdy all :)

This thread is for bugged quests to be fixed when i return to Norway. reply to it with quests / bugs and i shall edit this one to one combined post to start working with...

Fix classes for levelup - have tried a complete module rebuild to see if that fixes what seemes to be "hanging" scripts,

A certain farmshop no longer buys stuff ( for higher prices ).

Library quest 2 from Bolten - should work now.

Mothers claw ( shei dun ). - should work.

Abitun of Gaia ( ibis and orkidia ). - should work.

Apple tablets - Now take 20 apples at a time and also they are no longer no-drop so one can stack them in sacks and trade them with others etc.

Arcanum mage in the tornlands should be working now.

Makes pirates spawn dark essences ( actually drop loot and not bodies ). - should work, These are now MUCH stronger as it should be hard to farm +1 statbonusses.

Make Water elementals by cyclops despawn. - should work.

Special items respawn instead of only server restart. + bosses / minibosses

- Sneak boss now spawns once per hour and is quite stronger !

- lendizare the stormkeeper now have a 2 hours spawn cycle.

- Royal palace now spawns an insain skeleton once per hour that drops smorfyrs guard & fortification.

- Tiramosh now spawns once per hour and still drops his armor and helm.


Epic upgrade to Icefangs cloak.

Possible arrows VI - with chance of AOE procs ( also possible versions for melee weapons ).

Bring it on...


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Re: bugged quests and more 21.12.18

Post by bosephus » Sun Dec 23, 2018 7:53 pm

Could we also make some of the older quests/mini bosses respawn after a few hours. There is a rush to get the evil armor/good armor and the sneak ring every time the server resets.

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Re: bugged quests and more 21.12.18

Post by tarashon » Sun Dec 23, 2018 9:46 pm

Good idea. could basically just put an old skeleton in the one place and tiramosh himself also respawn - should fix it :)


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Re: bugged quests and more 21.12.18

Post by tarashon » Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:45 pm

Albright folks 😀

App 12 hours from now in sitting at the computer and a massive session og bugfixing etc "is launched".

My plan and Hope is all listes bugs and in particular the bugged levelling scripts is fixer by sunday but with Luck ITS done tomorrow....

So please respond to this thread if you Know og any bugs etc.


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