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Bugged Housing Items

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:40 am
by Snagletooth
These are not working. I haven't gone through all of them yet, I will add more as I find them.

Furniture - Basin, Brown Small Spell
Furniture - Basin, Green Small Spell
Furniture - Basin, Grey Small Spell
Furniture - Basin, Holy Water
Furniture - Basin, Large Spell
Furniture - Basin, Small Stone
Furniture - Basin, Wash
Furniture - Basin,Dark Stone
Furniture - Fountain, Center Spout Stone
Furniture - Fountain, Fancy Stone
Furniture - Fountain, Low Stone 4 Spout
Furniture - Fountain, Raised Stone
Furniture - Fountain, Stone Dolphin
Furniture - Pool, Brown
Furniture - Pool, Large
Furniture - Pool, Red-Yellow
Furniture - Pool, Stone
Furniture - Pool, Yellow Wood
Furniture - Tub, Bath
Furniture - Tub, Wash

Re: Bugged Housing Items

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:18 pm
by tarashon
Seemes I found a way to make CEP items work again in the housing system. At least the candelabra was a success. So will try to create more this evening…

Then we need to see if Seeker can make it so you can place stuff on tables etc. or maybe even adjust hights..
We will find out :)
