Enforced treasure chests...

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Enforced treasure chests...

Post by tarashon » Fri Jan 08, 2016 2:26 pm

Greetings all.

In response to player suggestions and common good sense the Inner Realms have now seen a new type of treasure chests, being an enforced version of the standard ones.

These chests have a higher DC ( 33 instead of 25 ) and will be placed in zones ment for midlevel characters ( 10-15ish + and above. There will still be some of the normal ones around, also in higher level areas but some will be switched for these and other places these will merely be added.

Besides being harder to pick these also excel with the potential presence of Ibir flowers, Tukarian Cherries and Shadefern leafs, making it possible to merely adventure ones way into good healing potions. They are more rare than the standard drops though !

For now these chests are only implemented in Gnollwood Caves and Isles, but I shall run over areas in time to update the entire module this way.

The DC of 33 was chosen at this level making it possible for fairly high level characters NOT rogues/bards, but spending maximum points in Open Lock skills, to also farm these chest while bard/rogues should be able to farm them the second they are capable of actually getting there...

If anyone have some good suggestions to even harder chests and drops for epic level characters feel free to comment :)

It should be noted that far more powerful chests exists with far higher DC - basically only for bards and rogues - with truly unique loot, in certain EPIC areas...


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Li'l Rose
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Re: Enforced treasure chests...

Post by Li'l Rose » Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:25 pm

I really like this idea, and I would suggest putting traps on the chests. Make sure that the traps must be disarmed (not 1 time only), and require good search to detect. Can put the 1 time only on the low level chests.

An openlock dc of 33 is still pretty low, as it requires only 13 openlock skill, which can be reduced even more with high dex, lockpicks and other items. The locked door to the rogue guild requires only 32 dc, which I have opened with level 5 or lower bards, without even a rogue level. When there are druids and barbarians opening chests, it sort of makes the rogue class pretty useless.

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