New players, advice for you here!

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New players, advice for you here!

Post by Twilighteyes » Mon Apr 25, 2016 1:46 am

Greetings! Hopefully you are enjoying your time here and exploring many of the numerous features and areas!

Here are some tidbits of insight that may help you along the way WITHOUT giving spoilers!

1. Your third quest immediately available will be to help a man named Tobias. Upon completion he will gift to you a guide, USE that guide as it is written!!! I do not dissuade you from choosing your own path BUT this guide is VERY helpful.

2. If an NPC or a guide suggests you have a particular item before attempting a quest I'd suggest getting that item! Get TWO if you can afford them!!

3. Lack of a quest journal makes it highly advisable you only attempt to tackle ONE quest at a time OR keep a pen and notebook handy and make a real life journal.

4. A lot of quests will have a "level advisory" at the end of the conversation.. Pay attention to this!!!

5. Talk to the other players in OOC or even RP out your questions, most of us will gladly help you with advise, minor gear or even help you tackle a place!!
Twilighteyes name "borrowed" from a book titled the same, NOT a reference to "sparkly" vampires.

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Re: New players, advice for you here!

Post by BenevolentDevil » Mon Apr 25, 2016 3:54 am

You can write in your journals, that's how I used to keep up with what I was doing or working on quest wise.

Another key point is , you can run through areas allowing respawns to fill "bounty" quotas. I met a couple of new players, that mistakenly thought that was against the rules. ;) No, you can repeat any area , you can only do some quest/rewards once though. But you can still re-do the area.

Heed ANY warning sign you find.

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